invariance conditionの例文
condition-name condition
Condition - name condition

absolute invariance principle
Absolute invariance principle

adiabatic invariance
Adiabatic invariance is lost when a particle occupies a null point or zone of no magnetic field. It was an argument for the old quantum condition mostly independent from the one developed ......

charge invariance
The origin of charge invariance ( indeed, all relativistic invariants ) is under speculation presently. where the first equation describes relativistic energy, the second relativistic ma......

conformal invariance
Conformal invariance is also discovered in two-dimensional turbulence at high Reynolds number. The above string action has a conformal invariance. The highlights of his work include : the ......

coordinate invariance
This method, however, makes coordinate invariance an immediate consequence of the definition. I have put the article General coordinate invariance up for deletion, as general covariance al......

cp invariance
where, \ varepsilon is a complex quantity and is a measure of departure from CP invariance. Since the CP operation changes any particle into its antiparticle, CP invariance would mean that......

cpt invariance
Maria s other work focused on decays of neutral kaons, new and detailed information was found on CPT invariance in time evolution and decay. The CPT invariance is not a theorem but a "'be......

diffeomorphism invariance
The symmetry is called general covariance or diffeomorphism invariance. Both gauge invariance and diffeomorphism invariance reflect a redundancy in the description of the system. In canoni......

factorial invariance
In the context of structural equation models, including CFA, measurement invariance is often termed " factorial invariance ".

galilean invariance
This violates Galilean invariance, a long-standing cornerstone of classical mechanics. And yet no violation of Galilean invariance within physical interactions among objects was detected. ......

gauge invariance
A theory that displays local gauge invariance is called a gauge theory. This is the origin of the SU ( 2 ) gauge invariance. The Bianchi identity associated with this partial gauge invaria......

general coordinate invariance
I have put the article General coordinate invariance up for deletion, as general covariance already exists.

homotopy invariance
The Novikov conjecture concerns the homotopy invariance of certain polynomials in the Pontryagin classes of a manifold, arising from the fundamental group. which implies f _ 1, f _ 0 induc......

homotopy invariance of de rham cohomology
which implies f _ 1, f _ 0 induces the same map on cohomology, the fact known as the homotopy invariance of de Rham cohomology.

impulse invariance
The main advantage of the warping phenomenon is the absence of aliasing distortion of the frequency response characteristic, such as observed with Impulse invariance. In the case of all-po......

The symmetry associated with conservation of angular momentum is rotational invariance. To wit : the invariance property of Maxwell's equations. Thus we have achieved invariance with respe......

invariance group
Sudarshan has been credited with numerous contributions to the field of theoretical Physics including Optical coherence, Sudarshan-Glauber representation, V-A theory, Tachyons, Quantum Zen......

invariance mechanics
Invariance mechanics has strong links with loop quantum gravity in which the invariant quantities are based on angular momentum. Since all the quantities involved are relative quantities, ......

invariance method
In the case of all-pole filters such as the Butterworth, the matched Z-transform method is equivalent to the impulse invariance method.

invariance of dimension
*PM : proof of invariance of dimension, id = 7954 new !-- WP guess : proof of invariance of dimension-- Status: *PM : proof of invariance of dimension, id = 7954 new !-- WP guess : proof o......

invariance of domain
By invariance of domain, the map carries open sets onto open sets. Alternatively, this is by invariance of domain. The initial result of this kind was proved by Emanuel Sperner, in relatio......

invariance principle
Einstein sought to generalize the invariance principle to all reference frames, whether inertial or accelerating. The invariance principle offers the hypothesis that metaphor only maps com......

invariance property
To wit : the invariance property of Maxwell's equations. These last invariance properties are required for the 3D-descriptors. And the time-invariance property allows that combination to b......

invariance requirement
*P . N . Keating, " Effect of Invariance Requirements on the Elastic Strain Energy of Crystals with Application to the Diamond Structure ", " Physical Review " 145, 637 ( 1966) He is best ......